Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Off My Hooks (and Needles)

Well, three little mice cat toys are finally done and here they are: The pattern was a free one..PEANUTS LITTLE WHITE MOUSE by Linda Shoup... Think I added two or so rows to the midsection and this and the other two mice were all turned inside out (pull tail through beginning hole then stitch closed. This one was needle felted (broke 3 needles (think on the jingle bell inside). The Clover needle felter used on #1 mouse and eyes/nose of other two mice which were wet felted before features were added. Kept the beginning yarn long threaded it through tail, mouse turned insid out and beginning yarn then used to tie two 'jingle bells' inside this one and #3 Eyes and nose done with embroidery thread and French knots MY WHAT BIG EYES YOU HAVE...roving pulled from yarn and needle felted in place This was made with ww Plus an additonal varigated fuzzy but thin yarn along with the Patons Wool. Nose was a single velour stitch that was trimmed with sissors then needled and lastly one drop of fabric glue to keep it from shedding. #3 mouse's eyes are tiny buttons. If you are interested, there are more photos and explanations on my Flickr site, the link @ Now this has Finally had the ends sewn in. Orginally meant as a Christmas Present for eldest son who I am informed doesn't like and doesn't wear hats...which makes this one an orphan. Haven't decided what to do with it as yet. Want to do a scarf to match, but then he doesn't like scarves either. So, for now he will be getting stuff for his Abbysynian cat.

1 comment:

Thata said...

I really like this cutie things.... You do such a creatif work mam.... :)